You must learn to respond in the Holy Spirit and you must test the spirits all the time.

Because you are His, the enemy will attempt to get at you in every possible way. You will be approached for counseling, you will be complimented, you will be made to feel guilty.

You will be offered preaching opportunities, and they will be withheld when others who replace seem to be fools.

But, test the spirits. Do not be hasty.
Make sure you do not give "correct" answers in response to questions. Responses must address the thing that is really happening, as opposed to the thing that seems to be.

Do not dance when the enemy shoots at your feet.

Be always before the Lord, longing for a spirit of humility in order to put yourself aside and gaze upon Him. Only then will you be able to recognize what is not of Him.

You have been handpicked for the calling.

Stand and answer the Call.

View past Devotional.