Daily Devotional

     It seems to me, sometimes  basic things do not seem real to God's people.
     For example, you do not have a right to be offended.
     You have no right to be understood.
     You have no right to a calm life - only to contentment.
     You have no right to balance the scales yourself - in conversation, or otherwise.
     Soldier of the Cross, there comes a time when there is no turning back.  This time
has to do with the preservation of self.  You will either recognize it and beg the Lord
to bring a clear vision, or you will dash back to do CPR on a dead corpse.
     His way brings Freedom.
     His way brings Life.
     His way is in the Light.
     His way is Love.
     More than anything else, there is simply no other way!       
View past Devotional.