Daily Devotional

     Be careful about praying changes in the lives of others.
     We know some basic things - the Bible makes it clear we are to pray for all
men everywhere and we are to do it all the time.  This means that no one is 
exempt and that we may not withhold prayer for someone just because we do not
care for his political posture or because of any other disagreement we might have 
with him.
     We know the Lord would have us pray for the vigorous spiritual life of others.
We intercede when others are ill or in other distresses, often when we do not
know what the Lord's will in the situation is.
     But, there are some things that ought not to be uttered in prayer - for example,
there is a story about Watchman Nee being asked to pray at a large public
gathering just after it became obvious war was almost upon China.
     He was specifically asked to pray about the impending war, so He prayed that
the Lord would completely have His way.  He prayed that the believers present 
would be transformed enough and filled with the Holy spirit enough to agree with
God, no matter what.
     He prayed for the salvation of the families of those present and He prayed for
wisdom on the part of China's leaders.
     But he would not pray that the Lord would prevent the war. When he was 
confronted about it He explained that most Christians pray according to their own
desires or fears, and he opined that it makes room for the enemy to invade the
prayer life.
    We have enough to pray about that we know in in line with The Word.  
    We often ask for things that may or may not agree with His Will and that is not
necessrily wrong.
    We pray for healings that are sometimes forthcoming and sometimes not.
    But, when you get a call from a friend saying he has a conflict with
someone at work and he wants you to help him pray in an other job, do not go
running to the Lord to ask for that thing for your friend just because he wants it.
You don't have any way of knowing how the Lord will deal with that situation.  
     On the other hand, when a sister or Brother is out of work, certainly the believers 
around should be joining that one in praying for work.
     Praying amiss is a terrible thing, and it quenches the Spirit.
     Prayer must always be offered with the understanding that we are not
authorities on an other's situation. 
     We do not discipline each other in prayer.
     We do not try to manipulate each other's lives in prayer.
     We do not make assumptions in prayer.
     Soldier of the Cross, simply ask to be led in prayer.
     Then pray looking at the One who is listening - not looking at the issue you are 
trying to pray about.
     What a privilege we have.
View past Devotional.