Daily Devotional

      You are not allowed to be weary, but you are told to take
courage and look up.
     Soldier of the Cross, we live in a fallen world.  All around
us there is a daily grind that chaffs most of the world's 
     You are not allowed to live in that manner because you are a
citizen of another place - another country.
     You are member of the Royal Priesthood of the letter to the
     You are an adopted son.
     You have access to Power - as much as you will receive.
     So, Soldier, gaze upon The One who holds the stars in place,
yet loved you enough to name you and rescue you.
     Nothing has changed.
     He is still your Savior.  He is still your rescuer.
     The body gets tired, but only the soul gets weary.
So, look up and move on!
View past Devotional.