Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

   Your children will do what you do.
     If you walk before the Lord, if you live by faith, if are calm,
your children will inherit your treasure. 
     Soldier of The Cross, you are transparent.  Your children know
what is important to you. Do not be distressed when your children
test the Lord or need to discover thing for themselves.  As long as
they are in your home, you can limit behavior.
     Let the Lord deal with the heart.
     Much of the time, children see more clearly after they have left
home, than they did when they lived at home.
     In the meantime, live one day at a time according to The Word.
Forgive quickly.  Resist gossip.  Meet with the Lord consistently.
Have pure speech.
     Leave the rest to the Lord.
View past Devotional.