Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     For the Christian, the memory of past failure looses its bitterness over time.
     This is not the case for those who have no Lord. They live in writhing regret and
nights present an unending reliving of the regretted thing.
     We have been rescued from such an experience, but if we do not turn away
from it, there is no taste of freedom.
     Soldier of the Cross, either things work together for good, or the whole thing is
a big, fat lie.  If God is truthful, He sent His Son to bring healing from the very 
things that satan uses to trap our minds.
     We need to enter into the Rest, and the Promised Land is taken by faith.  
     By faith, we stop thinking about it.
     By faith, we accept that God will use it for our good and His Glory.
     By faith, we receive the victory, based on His Word.
     Then, by Grace, we are free!

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