Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     Consider the One who gave His life as a ransom for many. . .
     What a thing it is to stop and gaze upon the Lord.  When we do, we are assured
of many things.
     We know we are loved.  His initiation to us was unconditional, and was 
because He is Love.  We did not earn it by being responsive.  It was raw Love.
     We know He is Sovereign.   He had a choice  He chose to obey the Father.  As
the song says, "He could have called ten thousand angels, but He dies alone for you
and me. . ."
     We know He is creative beyond our imagination.  The scripture teaches us He 
holds the universe in place ". . .with His mighty Word of power. . ."
     We know He tenderly cares for us and corrects us when we need it.
     We know that everywhere He went, there was healing.  He He never promised to 
heal all physical affliction, but if you meet a Soldier of The Cross, you will meet one
who may be crippled in body, but you will perceive the rest to be a reflection of
the One in Whom there is no darkness.
     Press on.
     There is nothing else.
     There is no one else.
     And, He is attentively and personally devoted to you.
View past Devotional.