Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


I have found that memorizing a verse each day makes the Lord more real to me on a practical basis.

No matter what happens in the day, the mind goes right to the verse. Even in exhaustion or shock.

I usually have to spend twenty minutes or so, repeating the verse dozens of times and checking the words I miss. Then I say the verse several more times, often missing words. I just keep saying it and saying it aloud until I am able to say it several times without error.

Then if I have the opportunity, I review it a few minutes later to cement it.

I often remember the previous day's verse, but it does not matter to me. The Holy Spirit will call it to memory when I need it.

There are several hundred verses every Christian should know and be able to quote by reference. But this is in addition to that.

If you can't start with a whole verse, get a sentence or even a phrase. You will find your mind will wrap itself around that verse for the day, and your mind will be stable and have a heavenly place to go.


View past Devotional.