Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

   What is your grievance?
Is there a committee to hear you? On whom are you exercising your
distress? Are you a Soldier of The Cross, or are you a mercenary? Is it reward that determines your faithfulness? Christian, please listen to me: do not wait for the situation to be perfect. If you fall into that trap, you will find yourself in the clutches of the enemy, and you will not be able to see anything that is really happening. Why?
Because only the eyes of faith see. He has already told you you must not walk by sight. So then, submit. Let Him have room to do it His way, and He will let you see what He is doing. In the life, He will never let you see why. So, don't ask.
Take Him at His Word. We have a perfect God, and He has shown himself clearly in His Son. Dead to the world means, no complaining!
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