Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     I will tell you again - you do not need to understand.
     The Lord has made it clear that He knows best, and it is not
your right nor is it in your best interest, to ask Him to explain 
     Faith is the opposite of demanding an answer.
     Faith is that putting of the weight on the next thin-looking
patch of ice, because He has said He will not let you fall through.
     Soldier of The Cross, so many have obeyed over the millennia.
     We know about only a few, as they are recorded in The Word.
     It is true and sure that all who rely on Him will know Him, see
Him, and be led by Him.  He always requires His Own to step
away from human security and predictability.
     He always leads the Soldier through the Valley of The Shadow
of Death.
He always leads the Soldier to the Still Waters.
He always sets a table in the presence of the enemies of the
Soldier. And, He always anoints the head of the Soldier with oil - the
picture of the authority of the Holy Spirit. God will not explain the why to you, because you will not have the capacity to understand it until you are in heaven. Then, and only then, you will be able to see the whole picture and you will understand what He has done. As for now, tell Him you will trust Him. Tell Him He can do
anything He wants to with your life.
Tell Him now. Tell Him outloud.

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