Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

   Soldier, you must remember that the same God who called you, has 
appointed you to a life of faith.
     You must remember that each day is a reminder to turn away from sight, and
take by faith the things that He has said, asked, and commanded.
     This is not hard.
     It is a matter of awareness and decision. 
     Soldier of The Cross, you have within you the Indwelling Holy Spirit.  He is
able to make you aware of the turns in the road.  He also empowers you to obey.
     Those who do not obey do so deliberately, if they are really born from above.
Make sure you are not distracted.  Move according to the Word, and do not 
regard the negativity of those in rebellion.
    We have little time, and it cannot be eaten by those who are opposed to the
purposes of God.
View past Devotionals.