Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     "Think over these things I am saying [understand and grasp
their application], for the Lord will grant you full insight and
understanding in everything."
        II Timothy 2:7 (Amplified Bible)
     This is one of the most clear Soldier of The Cross passages in 
God's Word.  Paul makes it clear that the Lord will honor 
availability to Light.
     As long as we are traveling through this world, we need to
take Him at His Word, and allow Him to show us the hidden things.
     It is the Heart of The Lord to show you as much as you are willing 
to see.
     If you have to have your own way, you will see nothing.  If you
are willing to submit to Him, He will show you amazing things that are
hidden from your view now.
     Soldier, these things take place in prayer.
     Tell Him now.
     Tell Him outloud.
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