Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     You have been called and saved by One who is a great
     He listens attentively when you speak.  Yes, He knows your 
heart, but it is critical to pray aloud.  Praying aloud forces you to
choose words, and in so doing, the Light of God's Word pours
forth all around, if you are attempting to align your thoughts with 
     This is often a way the Lord speaks to His Own.
     You have no one else who listens as He does.  
     He loves you more than anyone else.
     He knows you more than anyone else.
     His heart is ravished each time you think of Him.
     He alone knows what is best for you.
     He will never betray you.
     Tell him everything.  But when it comes time to make requests,
make sure you line up with His Word.
      He will not refuse you.
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