Health and Wealth:

     The health and wealth theology is a lie of the enemy.

     Soldier,  yes, you are an adopted son.  Yes, you are in the Kingdom of Light.  Yes, there is the Sabbath Rest.

     Nowhere in God's Word are we told that we will be always healthy or wealthy.  There are wonderful verses about saving, not loaning money, giving,  and even giving sacrificially. But health and wealth is never promised.   That preaching is false.

     Hallelujah, we know divine healing is real and I have experienced it.   We know the Lord honors giving back to Him the first fruits, and I have tasted that and continue to experience it.
     The real truth is, there is no experience of faith or taste of the supernatural unless there is deliverance and release.  For that to happen, there has to be trial and testing.

     Soldier of The Cross, we take up the Cross and follow hard after Him.

     The issue is knowing Him.
     Recognizing Him.
     Being made like him.
     Laying our lives down for the  Brethren.
     Being a Living Sacrifice.

     It is not about being healthy and having stuff.

     Tell Him He can fully have you.
     Now, and aloud.