The Other Guy:

     Soldier, this is not about the other person.  This is about you.

     No exceptions, and  no excuses.

     You have  no control over the other party, but in prayer, you certaibnly have a biblical obligation to submit to the Lover of Your Soul.

     This is not about making sure that the other party is exposed, or that there is what you consider to be justice.  It is about God's Word.  God's Promises.

     His reality.  His Sovereignty.  Is He in charge or not?  If in fact He is, according to His Word, that means that the One who holds the stars in place gets it.

     Oh, Soldier.  If you would agree with God, that means that He is free to work through  prayer that lines up with His Word.

     You are not wrong.  You see what is happening.  The issue is His Wisdom, His tmiing, and His solutuon.

     His ruling is nothing you could ever imagine.  He who rules over Kingdoms is able to see clearly what is happpening in your circumstances.

     Oh, Soldier of The Cross, please, please, tell Him He can do anything, and tell Him aloud.
