Love takes no account of an evil done to it . . .    Is that really possible? Can a believer be free from the wrangling of the mind and emotions that follow unfairness or cruelty?  How is it possible to resist the need to get even, or strike back?    He who was gracious on The Cross has not only commanded us to return good for evil, but He has made it possible for us to obey.    He said He would send The Comforter, and He has done so.    He died and rose again so that you could live a supernatural life.  You have the Indwelling Holy Spirit.  Because He lives within you, you have infinite power to obey.     He who is Love wants to make His Likeness in you.  Are you willing?  If so, He will give you the provision to obey when the time comes to act or to resist acting.    Soldier of The Cross, you may not lick your wounds.  You may not try to get even.  You may not attempt to win others to be against the one who has offended you.  You may not pout and withdraw.    You must love.  Because He said so.     Love may mean saying no.  Love may mean making allowances you have never made before.  Love may mean repeating yourself hundreds of times.  Love may mean taking the hits and marching hard after the Lord anyway.     Love never gives negative value to an evil done to it.  Love is not blind or ignorant, but God's Love is planted in His own power and Life.      God's Love prevails over all else.