
Do not catch the falling Ark. You know the story. It was forbidden, but when the sacred ark began to fall Uzzah could not resist. In fact, he may have reached out instinctively, because it was really falling. But, the touching of the ark had been forbidden, and God had made His instruction abundantly clear. The ark is a picture of the Body of Christ. Many would rush in and consider the thing before their eyes to preempt any other instruction. Soldier of The Cross, make no mistake. We take Him at His word. In Him, we live and move and have our being. We do not question Him. We do what He says. We have given Him our lives, and we have crossed the line. We stand before Him each day and say that we will be a Living Sacrifice. So then, is it really true? Are we willing to obey in the face of impending disaster? That is the test.