Real Love:

     The flow of God's Love through His Own is a stunningly healing force. 

     I remember a young man who came to my door in Columbus, Ohio as I was getting ready to move.  He rang my doorbell and when I looked up at the open screen, there stood one of the ugliest faces I had ever seen.  

     He was in his twenties and had been through something that disfigured his face to the extent that his features were all distorted.

     Except for his eyes.  They were blue and blazed with Love. 

     Through the screen, he said "May I tell you about Jesus?"  Of course, having been raised in a missionary home, thinking I knew it all, and also having decided to have nothing to do with anything having to do with Jesus, I was furious.  I demanded that he leave and told him never to come back.

     The minute I met the Lord, I remembered that young man and remembered his eyes.  I recognized that Love, and was so amazed at the Grace that reached out to me a year earlier. 

     God's Love knows no time limit.   Many have come to Christ and then are embraced by the living memories of the Love shown to them by parents or grandparents who have already gone to be with the Lord.

     I needed a rescue. And Love rescued me.

     Oh Soldier, let us move on into the flow of Love.  Less of us and more of Him.

     Tell Him.