God's Word is More Real Than the Way that You Feel:

   Are you willing to plant your life on the Word of God?    Do you believe He has told you the truth?  Do you know you have experienced the New Birth? If so, you have a witness that all He says is true.    Why then do the winds of emotion seem so contrary to the precious verses to which we cling?  If we are not to be offended, why are nasty comments to piercing?  If we are to return good for evil, why is there such a strong urge to balance the scales and get back?   If we are to walk by faith, why does the lack of control loom so large?   Is worry an emotion?   A feeling?  What does the Bible say about worry?  About resentment?  About jealousy? About misunderstanding?   Loneliness?    The issue is, is He who He says He is?    Soldier of The Cross, have you or have you not made the decision to take up The Cross and follow Him? You have crossed the line.  You have moved away from the crowd and have determined to follow Him no matter what.    So then, rely on His Word.  After all, He is The Word.    The creatures of the sea do not have choice.  They must move as the Creator has designed.  They move in tandem with the water flow, the temperature and other forces that God has designed and set in place.  The fowl of the  air and the animals of the jungle are also without choice.    You, on the  other hand, have exquisite choice.  You can chose to follow, not to follow, to object, disobey  or to agree.    Your feelings are not illusions.  They are real.  At the same time, what does the Bible say?  If your feelings do not line up with God's Word, you must choose God's Word as truth and you must govern your body, your thoughts and your countenance in order to agree with His Word.    When you talk about the issues at hand, do you listen to yourself?    You are able to obey because when you gave your life to Him, you were immediately made an Adopted Son and you were given the privilege and Promise of the Inheritance by virtue of the Indwelling Holy Spirit.     If you know He tells the Truth, you must make a choice between your feelings and His Word.  Is He who He says He is?    You have the Power.    Which will you choose? Time or Eternity?