Our Advocate:

   His Word says that He goes to the Father on our behalf.    As an attorney, that is a stunning statement to me.  An advocate puts himself in the shoes of another.  An advocate pleads the case and must know it well.  An advocate is thoroughly familiar with the law.     As believers, we have an Advocate who created us and named us.  He put the stars in place.  He designed the lily and the rose.  He runs the Universe "by His Word of Power. . ."    If all this is true and He is who He says He is, why is it so hard to pray?    Because all hell comes against it.     When you pray, you have the only Perfect Advocate who intercedes for you.  You also have the Indwelling Holy Spirit,  who enables you to communicate with Him, beyond your verbal skill.    Why does He say to come as a little child?  Because children to not have preconceived ideas.  Children come as they are, state the matter and look for the answer.    Soldier of The Cross, the more you serve Him, the more childlike you must be.    Trust Him.  Tell Him    Wait for Him.        The King of Glory will plead your cause.