American Christmas:

   Children must learn priorities.    God is the first priority.  The next is the person before you, and you are last.  This is the formula for release, security and sight.    Soldier of The Cross, without training, children will become the center of their own universes.  They will dictate everything around and they will easily manipulate unenlightened adults.    For a child, it does not take a lightening bolt.  It only takes a living example, and verbal explanation of what is happening.  Have you noticed that your children imitate your speech as well as your mannerisms?    If you speak negatively about others, your children will don the cloak of your opinion without understanding that is is wrong or sinful.  Even if they sense that something is not right, children instinctively reflect their parents.    What a tremendous encouragement.  It means there is an open avenue for training.    What are your values?  Your real values?  Do your children see and hear you fretting about finances all the time, or are they hearing your daily verses?  Do they hear your concerns about the lost?   When they need discipline, do you pray with them?    Are your physical possessions in order?  Is your use of time according to God's Word?  Are you in church every time the door is open?    Soldier of The Cross, your children must be prepared for eternal delight.  They should be disciplined without anger and they should be secure, because you are consistent.    Be sure to raise your children on your knees.