Giants in the Land:

   Those who are afraid of what they see suffer from spiritual atrophy.    The Lord has always asked His followers to walk through the fire, walk through walls of water, buy without money and move forward when there is nothing but a thick wall.    Being a Disciple means taking up the Cross and following.  It means leaving the human economy behind.  It means pressing into things that seem to large in order to accomplish goals that seem impossible.    That is, these things seem impossible to those who do  not have the eyes of faith.    Those who go after the Lord have the Lord.  They see Him. They see what He sees.  They love His Word.  They are attracted to His Own.  They delight in giving.     They recognize that He is the God of the impossible, and they learn to move forward when there is nowhere to move.  From experience they have learned to relish the frontier of faith and they know that often the unseen is more real than the visible.    And, there is no other way to know God.