My Lord Knows The Way Through The Wilderness:

    I am often asked what should be done if thus and so happens or does not happen.

     I am rarely able to answer that question.  The fact is, we were created to watch and wait for Him, to grow in Wisdom and to learn to be led of the Spirit.

     In particular, it is important to learn that the Lord often gives insight at the moment needed, but not before.  Oh, how we want it ahead of time!  If only we knew the answer before the question is before us, we would feel more in control.

     Some things can be pre-determined.  For example, if your house burns down, a newscaster should not be showing you broken and declaring that everything you ever had is now gone.   Those who raise their children on their knees commit the children to Him each day and know that their lives are in His hands.  Although losing a child is probably one of the hardest things that can be experienced, the one who has offered the child to the Lord each day is going to agree with God in the loss.

     Wanting the answer ahead of time is different.  It springs from human insecurity. 

     Soldier of The Cross, there are times when others want you to help. You must be sensitive and obedient. It is possible that the Lord will not give you some great sounding thing to say.    There are also times when the Spirit will give you an insight that offers release.  Pray with the person of course, but resist the temptation to sound like you have a handle on the matter.

     It is His business.  It is not about your having the right thing to say. It is not about the problem.  It is about the One who is sovereign over the situation and knows what He is doing.

     Learn to live walk in the Spirit.
     Pray about it.  Aloud.
     Tell Him you are available.