
     There is a defined purpose for each minute of your life.


     He called you and He chose you.  That's miraculous.  The One who holds the stars in place went after you and wooed you into  a relationship with Him.


     It is still as true today as it was when you gave Him your heart..  He hasn't diluted the calling nor has he rerlaxed His grip on you.


     Every Soldier of The Cross has slogged through discouragement, seeming failure and persecution.  Yet, His nail-pierced hand always reaches into the depths of the heart if the door is opened to Him.


     Look up.  Take Him at His Word.  You have a job to do - it is the next thing before you and you must do it with all you have, even if you don't know what lies beyond.


     We serve One whose Loving goal is to prepare us for eternity and to then love us eternally.


     Soldier, take in the Word.  Go to prayer.  Aloud.
     He will encourage you.