You only know what is before you.
The reason we are to live by faith and not by sight is, we only have a worm's eye view.
The problem is like a tsunami. There is nothing that can stop it and the damage is already irreparable and vast. But Soldier, consider this; He who holds the stars in place is able to put His Hand on the situation and reveal Himself. That always means healing and hope.
Most Christians live from problem to problem. It seems like things are only ok when there is no threat of something that ought not to be.
Reality is, nothing is ever out of His control. Soldier of The Cross, agree with God. You may stand alone. What difference does it make if you are misunderstood or if others wage against you?
Of course He cares, and yes He will intervene. In the meantime, take up The Cross and follow hard after Him.
Life doesn't start after the problem is solved. If you have taken it to Him, He will deal with it. In the meantime, "joy cometh in the morning."
Soldier, gaze upon him. Think about what He did for us. It's amazing. The King of Glory left that situation and came to suffer and die for us. He absolutely will not ignore your situation.
After all, underneath are the Everlasting Arms!
Tell Him today. Make sure it is aloud.