A Song in the Night:

     Have you read Amy Carmichael's "If" book?

     What about Elisabeth Elliot's  "Through Gates of Splendor" or "A Chance to Die?  Or Helen Roseveare's "Though Lions Roar"?  How about Darlene Deibler Rose's "Evidence Not Seen"?  The remarkable books by Pauline Hamilton?  Patricia St. John is a must-read.

     I could list a hundred more. 

     He gives a song in the night.  How can that be?  Why?

     Because He does not just meet the need.  He is far more than the need.  He is always more than enough.

     Soldier of The Cross,  understand that He has far more in mind than just getting you through the the crisis.  He is the Lover of Your Soul and loves you enough to prepare you to be with Him for all eternity.

     Are you available?

     Lord Jesus, I stand before you and by faith declare to you that I will agree with you in the matter that is far too great for me. 
     I will listen for you.
     I will watch for you.
     I will agree with you no matter what.

     It is clear to me that the song you have put in my heart cannot be muffled by anything while I agree with you.
     I love you Lord.
   Please do anything that needs to be done in the deepest recess of my heart.  Anything, Lord.  Anything.