Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef



     Repentance is a beautiful and amazing gift from God. Do you realize that we have a concrete way to come clean before the Creator?
     I hear some pretty incredible stories, and this morning I heard one of the remarkable and heartbreaking accounts of a lifetime. When the person was through telling me the situation, he was willing to tell God he was sorry and wanted to be forgiven, but he didn't want forgiveness enough to yield his life to Christ.
     That is the telling moment.
     I can only genuinely repent because I have come to a place where I realize I need a Savior. When someone will go through the motions of "prayer" and ask forgiveness yet won't accept the gift of salvation, he cannot have forgiveness.
     All forgiveness of sin is to be found in the Blood of Jesus. That is why He died the way He did. If someone doesn't want to do things God's way, he is trying to be his own savior by saying words that will give him permission to go on in his sinful nature, while getting absolution for the particular sinful problem.
     That will not work. I must cast myself on the One who loved me enough to die for me, and there has to be a willingness to come on His terms to be forgiven. Then I can come away clean, and allow Him to heal and train me.
     The believer should lead a life marked by regular confession and repentance.
     "Love is a Flag Flown High o're the Banner of my Heart," and the One Who loves me so is eager to listen and forgive. 


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