Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     There are things that must be done by the child of God, and many of them do not feel good.
     It is easy to get carried away by a feeling of inspiration which often is just exhilaration. When I experience rapture and delight, it is tempting to try to replicate the feeling, holding that experience up as a standard.
     Often, believers miss the deep, deep blessings of God because of a misunderstanding that there should be feelings of desire to serve, experienced love, and eagerness for the impossible.
     That is simply not the case. The deepest love drips with sacrifice. The most steadfast service issues from servants who are often underpaid, never fully appreciated (except in heaven), and who serve those who often either don't know it or don't like it.
      The impossible never gets to feeling possible - it's just that God's soldiers are willing to remind themselves that He is always true to His Word, and they go forward, because He said - not because suddenly they are on top of everything.
     Remember -
     God's Word is more real
     Than the way that you feel!
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