Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     In a day when personal power is the buzz phrase of the hour, it is good to review that the Bible teaches us that His power is revealed through our weakness.
     We have donned the blinders of time. We see little, but fancy ourselves to have complete overview.
     I might know what some of my strengths are, but my natural strengths are not the places of deepest use to the Lord. Isn't it odd humanly speaking, that He uses my weaknesses to reveal Himself?
     Although I could give you a big list of things I would like to see improved or changed, the truth is, I don't actually know what my weaknesses are. That is why they are called weaknesses.
     That means that I must learn to actively and deliberately submit to him at all times. This will not happen unless I tell Him.
     What it boils down to is that I must learn to have the same reaction to the Lord and before the angels when I see what I what I interpret as personal success and when I see what I interpret to be personal failure.
     I MUST move on to the next hour in as much obedience as I know to do. I MUST look at the next need to be filled. I MUST rush to the One Who keeps the stars in place, to pour my heart out to Him.
      I MUST hand over to Him the hours that feel like failures and move on. There is no other way to live.
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