Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      Often folks who read a Christian book in the morning think they have had a quiet time.
      The time needs to be real time with the Lord. I am in favor of books that are called "spiritual reading" and even as part of the morning devotional.
     It's not a bad way to start. Reading a section of a devotional book or a biography can get things going, and then there must be the real Word of God and prayer.
     I am a great advocate of good books. They are an essential. But they do not take the place of the Bible. It takes a special discipline to get the Bible out and faithfully read it.
     I have had missionary wives tell me they read a portion of a book for the entire day's quiet time.
      You need the Bible.
      I love books.They are full of truth, but they are not Truth. They can shed light on healing but they are not the Great Physician. Even the best book can not claim to provide the washing and cleansing that the Word of God does.
      Selective laziness must not dictate our walking in the Light. Without the Word of God there is no fellowship with the One whose name is The Word.
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