Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      We must be reminded over and over and over that the enemy is able to project a feeling on to us that gives the illusion of our thoughts having begun with us.
     In other words, it is possible to feel depressed, angry, afraid, anxious, numb, and all because someone who hates you can spray it on you like a lawn sprinkler or a pressure hose.
      The Holy Spirit will not make you worry. The Holy Spirit will not fill your mind with raging thoughts of anger. The Holy Spirit will not initiate thoughts that cause self-deprecation.
      That is why psychology is so lethal. Christians today are taught to analyze their thoughts in the same way the world does, and that very process lend substance to a thought pattern that might otherwise be "led away captive".
     Brothers and sisters, we take ourselves far too seriously. We consider our feelings terribly important, and that is heresy, according to the scriptures.  If I take an action opposite to the ungodly feeling, the enemy will flee.
     Sing a hymn loudly. Pray out loud for the one with whom you are angry. Spend the afternoon at a nursing home or rescue mission.  If depressed, call someone and review with them why they have hope in the Lord. Get moving!
      I am to be a living sacrifice, and I can't do that if I am lying on the altar, looking into a pocket mirror.
     THE BIBLE SAYS that I must agree with God. If my thoughts are not in line with His, it is not the fault of an alcoholic parent or a child-molester. I am responsible, and the Lord will train me in learning to recognize when my thoughts are out of line.
     This is how we resist the enemy. The battle is in the mind, and it comes out of the mouth.
      You are not a helpless composite of circumstances - you are a child of the King - born into a Royal Race, and called to be a soldier and a living sacrifice!
      Let us learn to know what we are thinking, and to step away from satan's fiery darts, and into the flow of the mind of Christ.
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