Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

   When we read the thoughts of those saints whose lives thrill us the most, we find that they, like us, had to get through life one hour at a time. Can you imagine how lackluster the pages would be if there were one account after another of lovely afternoons and extravagant leisure? The thrill comes from hearing that another traveler on the beaten path has seen the same sights, stumbled in the same places, and nursed the same bruises AND pressed on. Because it is in the account of the pressing on where the story will prove God. The deepest riches "hidden in Christ" are those which are opened up to those who "endure to the end". An often misunderstood phrase, this is a passage of scripture which makes it clear that we do not serve a cheap Lord. If we are truly attracted to Him, we will stay the course, and will leave the result up to Him. When we get to heaven we will find that the faithful on earth were heard saying "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him".
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