Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


      Sin is a contaminant.
      Most folks do not like to talk much about sin - at least their own - and that is because they are under the illusion that sin is private.
     That is not so.
     Sin is on display to the entire unseen world and to those believers who are sighted. A man who is not right with the Lord identifies himself immediately to those who are walking in the light because he is shading his eyes.
      He is like the little child who thinks he is hiding because his head is under the chair, but his whole bottom is hanging out. Those who know the preciousness of confession and repentance know also the sweet, unhindered presence of the Lord, and they immediately recognize the grieved Spirit of God when something is awry in another Christian.
       Brothers, do not listen to evil against another brother. It will cause you to walk in darkness, and you will have the odor of hell on your breath and the replica of hell in your eyes.
     Sin is never subtile.
     Adultery can be hidden from human view, but the aversion to the light is spotted on first glance.
      A deliberate lie that goes unconfessed has little effect on the conscience of the unsaved, but to the saved who repeat it or believe it, it is a festering open wound.
     We must understand the value of repentance.
     Our God has declared Himself to be Holy, and that is all there is to it. He is looking for humble servants who will submit rather than defend themselves.
     The Power of the Blood is active constantly upon those who enter and submit to and in the flow!


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