Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


      Don't forget that though they are limited and repeated over and over, the enemy does have varied tactics.
     Some things need intense and immediate attention, but others need to be ignored in such a way that the believer does not deny that the thing has happened, but there must be extra effort to make sure that the stride is not broken nor the pace slackened.
     I am told when the king cobra strikes, it spits into the human eye. An unbearable itching ensues, and if it were possible for the person to refrain from itching, no poison would go into the system. But the itching is so intense that no one can resist, and unless the person is handcuffed and held down, although he knows he will surely die, he will find a way to scratch his eyes.
     The poison enters the system, and the person dies - immediately.
     Satan is like that. Many times he spits, and if we will refuse to raise a hand to scratch the place that feels inflamed, we will be fine.
      Most can not resist.
     Unlike the illustration with the cobra, the Lord has already diffused each thing that the enemy sends our way, provided we look ahead by faith and obey the tiny but firm voice of the Holy spirit.
     Satan would like to distract you twenty-four hours a day.
     Get some backbone!


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