Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     It is easy to forget that the Lord loves you tenderly.
     Fear is rooted in either experience or inexperience. Either way, it is not rooted in reality and the fearful one has not appropriated the fact that he has an advocate.
     Our advocate is One who has under us the Everlasting Arms.
    Our advocate is One who named us,
     Our advocate is One who gave Himself as a ransom for our unregenerate souls.
     Our advocate is seated at the right hand of the Father - the position of power and might.
     Our advocate knows our "downsittings" and our "uprisings." 
     He knows how many hairs we have, how many tears we have cried, and He is acutely aware of our deepest fears.
     His Word also says that no good thing will be withheld from us.
     Our advocate knows what is best, and if He is allowed, He will see it through.


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