What sweet pleasure
there is at His right hand.
It is easy to get caught up in one's
own personal momentum and miss the things that are really
going on.
While it is true that the enemy
is lurking, the Cross must be borne, and the fields are teeming
with unharvested souls, still the Lord will catch up the believer,
show him the cleft in the rock, and tenderly love him.
The threshold is not a cloud of
tongues and the standard is not perfection. There is no password
nor can man duplicate even a fraction of the bliss.
We are privileged simply
because of the Blood of Jesus and for no other reason.
We have been adopted into a royal
race and there are deep, sweet and eternal privileges to be enjoyed
- every minute and in every circumstance.
We have only to be interested
and available. The cost? The admission that we are
sojourners and pilgrims in this foreign land.