Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     The presence of God means a change in people.
     When God's people really love someone with the Lord's love, it results in change - not necessarily on our schedules, but on His.
     I have seen deep transformation in believers old and new (in the Lord) who were in their seventies and eighties. I have seen a young child accept the Lord and change so much that in one day, her face was completely different, and she looked physically like another child.
      We must love without looking for the changes. They are the Lord's business, and if we are watching the pot, there can be no unconditional love. The Lord goes to the bottom of the root and works. Most of the time He does not exhibit His work in the heart of the unsaved because we would try to help in ways that would not conform to His.
      We must love in order to express who the Lord is, not to try to show someone how loving we can be so that they will come to Him. If that is my reason for love, I will wear thin as the other person seems to resist the Lord, or seems blind to spiritual things.
      On the other hand, when we pray for the lost, He listens every time. Prayer releases the work and power of God in the heart of that person like the ripening of a fruit happens whether the farmer is there or not.
      We do not pray because we long for the other person to change, we pray because we know that the person is without Christ and needs sight and eternal life.
      Do not be discouraged.
      Be faithful in prayer, and remind yourself that for the Lord, some people are not harder than others. We do not have a formula, but all who are won to Him are won because of prayer.
      There is no bitterness too deep, no wound too festered, that the Great Physician cannot heal with a single touch.
      Don't tell the Lord how to do it - just continue to ask in humility, because He is able. And He is listening. And He is working!
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