Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      Have you noticed? We need to hear the basics all the time.
      I have never tired of hearing Billy Graham. If you listen carefully, he seems to have the same theme and often repeats himself. But his message is anointed, and basic. The Lord has appointed him to preach it, and although it is evangelistic, believers revel in hearing God's man present the simplicity of the Gospel.
      Isn't it precious?
     We need the same basic things over and over, and interestingly enough, we never seem to tire of the subjects.
     What are they? Prayer, repentance, obedience, love, the faithfulness of God, the sweetness of faith, the importance of waiting. . .
      All of the word of God can fit into a few precious categories and each is infinite. No matter how much you know, the most basic, simple statement arouses a response.
      There is no end to Him. The word "and" is infinite when He speaks. We think we know much, yet, those who are really saved have a witness that leaps as soon as He is allowed to speak Truth through a human mouth.
     Stop looking for something "deep". Enjoy the most simple statements you can think of. Make a list of them and thank the Lord for them outloud.
We have the privilege of being able to escape the complex into the Divine depth which is always simple.
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