Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


      Most Sunday School teachers underestimate the capacity of the child.
     It is the Spirit who teaches the things of the Lord, and that is the reason I am so desperately opposed to what are called "children's Bibles". It is assumed that children need to have things watered down and made simple. That is not so.
      Children do need certain approaches - actually, they are the same things that make us all captivated - honest, slow, clear, and everything explained.
     There must be challenge, and the children need preaching - not someone to preach at them, but good, old-fashioned Holy Spirit preaching. In their own language.
     People who give their children special Bibles with all the guts removed usually think that the things in the Bible are intellectual, and the child cannot appropriate the information.
     The Word of God is taught by the Holy Spirit, and it is a terrible thing to reduce the story to cartoon level without the Cross or deep Truth.
     My goal as a Sunday School teacher is to prepare heaven's " Battle Unit #1, and we work at it all the time.
     I want them to know that it ought to be normal for the believer to crave to be a living sacrifice. I want them to know that it is never right to give the enemy room. I want them to know that the men and women who have gone before have often been tortured and beheaded, and there is much glory in heaven.
     The kids in Sunday School should memorize. They should sing incredibly loudly. The day they are saved, they must learn to have a quiet time. They should be taught to love the unlovely. They are not preparing to be the Church, they are the Church.
      Should it start at six? Maybe twelve? Or perhaps we should let them grow, develop, be seduced by the world, and then present the Cross at forty?   
      They need the Real Stuff at one day old. I am praying for Sunday School teachers around the world who will represent the Lord instead of child psychology.



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