Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


      It is true that Christians tend to fall into buzz words and 'isms, but I'm not sure that is so terrible.
      The important thing is that we are saying what we really mean! For example, when the non-Christian says "It has been on my mind to. . ." the Christian usually says "It has been on my heart. . ."
      Avoiding terms that are commonly used only results in eliminating perfectly good combinations of words. But we must make sure we are accurate. "It has been on my heart. . ." implies that there is something deeper than a thought.
     God leads us by thought. The intent is in the heart. Without realizing it, most folks say "on my heart" to imply spirituality. In fact, it is not found in the Bible. The phrase in the Bible is "in the heart", and it has to do with motive and intent.
      Should we second guess each word we say? I think we should. We are too casual with our words, and the lack of exactness robs us of enjoyment of God.
     Some words are irreplaceable - sin, grace, forgiveness, redeem, etc. But let us carefully consider our language so that we are not glossing over the real issues, and taking on a verbal slant that actually clouds our sight.


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