Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

    You may not turn away from something just because it looks impossible.
     Even though all believers would quickly say our God is the God of the impossible, they do not live that way. Believers today are overinsured, over budgeted, and underfaithed.
      Being a Christian involves standing before a God who knows all and assuming a position of our knowing nothing.
     For the most part if in our tiny, limited experience of one little life and the experiences we have heard of in the lives of others, we have not heard how the thing can be done, we turn away.
     Churches who make decision by committees and voting miss the leading of God.
     I said once before - God never does anything the same way twice. He does not lead you by dot-to-dot possibilities. He leads you be his presence - and where He is, the impossible is commonplace.
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