Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     I had an interesting experience today that I think ought to be the norm for those who have decided to follow Christ.
     I was playing the Beethoven Missa Solemnis tonight with the symphony, and I began to faint. It was actually during a sort of solo spot, and although I was playing, things began to turn black and I started to go out.
    Who knows why - it was hot, I had not had dinner, I am fifty-two and quite busy. I don't know, and it is not important. But as I began to loose consciousness, it dawned on me that this might be the enemy, and that I ought to resist.
     It took all there was I could draw on, but I decided not to faint. Not because it was a concert, but because it might be the enemy. As I began to call upon the Lord for help against the enemy  the fog lifted, and I had not even lost my place.
     You can think of all sorts of human reasons for things like this, but the Bible teaches us to be vigilant.
      Lord, make me into the sort of soldier that you can speak to and use at any time, any place. I want to be willing to obey because you said so, and not rely on my own tiny little experience or knowledge. I want again to commit to you my time and faculties to use as you see fit. Please, please, make me into a no-matter-what sort of servant.
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