Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      There are some kinds of release that only come by corporate prayer.
      When the Body of Christ comes together for the purpose of praying through the work and will of God, things are bound and loosed in the unseen. For example particularly entrenched demonic strongholds passed down through family generations are overcome, usually through corporate prayer.
      Revival comes because of corporate prayer.
      Many imprisoning yokes are broken by corporate prayer.
     The problem is that most churches have forgotten how to pray together. There must be a willingness to fast at times, and to keep praying until the thing is prayed through. A group coming together to pray must have times when they are willing to stay and pray as long as the Spirit leads.
     Other times, there is a brief time together, a request is made, and there is soon evidence of answered prayer.
     The sweetest, deepest presence of God comes because of corporate prayer. There cannot be deliberate sin in the camp, and always, God has appointed someone to gather the praying saints in and lead them.
      In this busy and loud generation, remember that there is still a place before the King, where His people come together and are heard.
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