Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

      It is easy to feel insignificant and weak. It is a lie.
     The Kingdom of Heaven is one in which each individual was created to reveal the Creator.
     In today's world, with all the fuss over Christian celebrities, it is tempting to compare oneself with those who seem to be so influential and visible.
     But according to God's Word, the deep and powerful things happen in the recesses of a man's heart when he submits to the Lord. These things happen in the private prayer closet, and although they are seen and broadcast in heaven, they are private on earth.
     It is often without even meaning to that believers try to emulate those who are held up as Christian stars. This is the lethal and destructive impact of television on today's Body of Christ.
     Nevertheless, those who are constant in the Word and in prayer are not taken in, and are usually doing all that is possible to avoid any semblance of the celebrity syndrome.
      A couple of years ago, a very well-known Christian speaker wrote to me and said, "Please pray for me. As notoriety expands, so do the temptations in increasing ratios.".
      If the preaching has no Cross, turn it off, and turn away from the teaching. It is false.
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