Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef

     More people have said to me "I just can't memorize."
     I say "baloney".
     All of us memorize in the same way. It takes a focus and a concentration that does not feel like it is there until the process actually begins. What I always tell folks is that they haven't actually tried.
     Saying the verse two times is not memorizing.
     What are the things in your life that are really important to you? I'll bet they get done!
      If you look closely, the Bible is specific about memorization. Psalm 119 is all about one who has hidden the Word of God in his heart. That cannot happen without memorizing. The first chapter of Joshua makes it clear that the Israelites were to be constantly quoting the things that God had told them.
     We are told that we should commit ourselves to absorbing God's Word and that we should constantly repeat it and tell it to our children - that it should be written on our foreheads (meaning the mind) and over the doorposts and on the gates of our houses.
     Any questions?
     You get the verse and you say the first few words. Add another word. Mess it up. Start over. Pretty soon you can say the sentence, and maybe two sentences. Then add more. It takes tenacity and the willingness to feel ridiculously sluggish of mind.
      It takes me from ten to twenty minutes to have a verse so that I will remember it all day. I say it over a few times in the hour after I have learned it, and then I find I think about it all day.
     It comes out of my mouth, it is written on my forehead, and what ever happens during the day, it is written over my doorpost and on my gate, because it comes to mind over and over and over.
     He is the Word.!
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