Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     The Lord always fights the battle using methods  we would never think of.
     There is a passage in Judges that reads:

      ". . . and from this number there were chosen seven hundred left-handed men, who could all sling stones at a hair and never miss. . ."

     What a remarkable passage. The story goes on to tell about the great defeat of the vast army of the enemy, and the vindication of the Lord.
    The reason the Lord does things the way He does, is not something that can be explained. It can be recognized, respected, and then it must be waited for. He must be waited for.
      It is so difficult for Christians to wait until they see God moving. Why? Because if I wait for the Lord, I must acknowledge that there is nothing I can do that is equal to what He can do.
     You might say, "We all know that!"
     Well, I don't think we do. If we really knew it, we would wait. And a calmly waiting soldier is rare in today's church.
     But the principles of heaven never change, and the Lord does things His own way and never ours.
     It is worth the wait - and when things seem a little weird, wait some more! The bad guy is about to go down!

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