Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


      Just a brief word about fasting:
      We fast because the Word of God talks about it. God is not impressed with our sacrifice, and going without food does not coerce Him into anything.
     We simply obey the Word of God from beginning to end. And the simple fact is, when we go without food, we think differently.
     When Jesus said "these kind go not out but by prayer and fasting", referring to certain demons, it was because the Holy Spirit has a special freedom in prayer when a Christian is willing to do without food.
      The body screams for sustenance, and it is a picture of the flesh being deprived.
      The Lord does not have some kind of barrier that is knocked down when we are hungry for 24 hours, but the enemy is defeated when we are clearly thinking about the things that are above, rather than just sliding along below.
      Elisabeth Elliot told me once that she thought fasting was one of the most important things a Christina could do.
      The reason why?
      It transforms the prayer life!

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