Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     Don't settle in.
     The only not-so-good thing about a season of all going right, is that comfort becomes desirable.
      I love what Paul says about being content at all times. What magnificent beauty in that! We must learn to be content in Him when the (human) chips are down, and when there appears to be nothing wrong.
     You see, the Lord loves us enough to keep us moving. As soon as things get too comfy, the temptation to put our traveling bags down looms large.
     And we must not do that.
     Remember? We are sojourners and travelers in a foreign land. So, we must pick up our bags and travel! We follow Him, and it is a settled issue.
     What am I saying? Do not long for an end to challenge. Remember the little song?

      It will be worth it all when we see Jesus;
       Life's trials will seem so small when we see Christ;
       One glimpse of his dear face. all sorrow will erase.
       We will have won the race, when we see Christ!



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