Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     Faith is the victory.
     Earthly success is not the victory, and neither is being visibly vindicated. The victory is by faith, from faith, and is found in faith itself.
     Because faith means spending time agreeing with God in thought and action, faith frees the Soldier of the Cross from the quicksand of needing something more.
     Sight always needs a system to protect the status quo or to something to come about that does not exist now. Sight needs proof. Sight is insecure unless it can see, feel, hear, or touch something in its experience that it can relate to.
     Faith steps beyond anything the Soldier can describe - its responses peal out to an infinite frontier, and faith merges with the plan of God in such a way that all else is repelled.
     There is no other way - all else is complete defeat!



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