Daily Devotionals by Ardith Keef


     Christians who go "by sight" are always emotionally effected by the circumstances.
      When times are hard, it doesn't take a super-perceptive person to pick up on the fact that someone is not pushed around by the goings on. If a believer has his feet on the Solid Rock, he knows that nothing is too late, out of control, or sneaky enough to get by our God!
     That is a basic, basic fact that the Bible teaches over and over. Yet, Christians are not taught to commit it to the Lord and wait.
     There are times when action is the only course, and those times are not times of anxiety. They are times of hard, hard work, and times of moving forward when results seem impossible, but they are not done in desperation - they are done because there is an open door or because there is a need to be filled.
     But many times, the Soldier of the Cross must stand and wait. No human effort or thrashing can move the already defeated enemy - it will only obscure the real truth.
     Most folks can't wait if they have a choice. They simply haven't learned how and after all, doing something gives the false illusion of control.
     He Who keeps the stars in place and holds gravity stable each day - He is able to do the thing that needs to be done, and He can do it more easily than anything we can imagine.
     It won't be done as we would do it - it will be better. The timing will be perfect, and there will be glory!
     "Wait 'til you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the Mulberry trees!"



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